Symptoms of HSP and their severity range from person to person, but can include a number of things. There are both simple and complicated forms of the condition meaning that now two people with HSP are the same.
Although HSP is a genetic condition, it is not always noticed until later life, it can affect some people from birth but may not become apparent for some people until later life with symptoms first beginning in infancy to late 60s in some cases. Early symptoms of HSP include the occasional trip, stumble or fall whilst walking, this can progress causing increased spasticity (muscle stiffness) and weakness in the legs.
The most common symptoms of HSP are muscle spasticity and weakness, exaggerated reflexes, poor balance and an abnormal gait. Other symptoms include pain (both neuropathic and muscular in nature) in the legs and back and and difficulty with mobility. Continence problems and fatigue are also associated with the disorder. In complicated forms seizure disorders, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, memory issues and involvement of the upper limbs may also be present. Hereditary spastic paraplegia can lead people to rely on splints, canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs for mobility.